My Journey with the Amazon Influencer Program – Exciting News!
Hello, my dear readers! I’m so sorry I haven’t made time to write blog articles on my website lately. Life has been a bit complicated, to say the least. Not only am I on the hunt for a job, but I’ve also been busy managing my YouTube channel, where I regularly post new videos. On top of that, I’ve been creating new children’s books for Amazon KDP, and I haven’t posted anything on TikTok for a few days. But I have exciting news that I can’t wait to share with you!
I’ve been accepted into the Amazon Influencer Program! YAY! I’m so happy! 🙌
I was rejected a few times before finally getting in. First, I tried with my Facebook account, then my YouTube account. I didn’t even bother with Instagram because I only have about 40 followers there – sad but true. I had one last platform left to try: TikTok. At the time I applied, I had over 600 followers and had been pretty active, so in September, I got accepted!
Growing My Following and Staying Committed
Fast forward to October, just one month later, and now I have over 1,000 followers on TikTok. I’m beyond grateful for all the support! If you’re not following me already, feel free to check out my TikTok account .
It’s been a whirlwind trying to balance filming, editing, posting videos, and creating new children’s books. Not to mention keeping up with daily tasks like cleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping – by the end of each day, I’ve been completely exhausted. But that’s just who I am: a driven person who does everything in her power to succeed.
How Did I Discover the Amazon Influencer Program?
It all started when I was posting about my children’s books on Facebook. I was using hashtags related to Amazon, and I accidentally clicked on #AmazonInfluencer. I discovered that you could apply to become an Amazon influencer! It felt like a sign. I thought, “I’ve been a loyal Amazon customer for over seven years, I’m already working with Amazon KDP, so why not try this too?”
I went straight to Google to do my research. The first thing I checked was whether Romania was eligible – and it is! I guess it makes sense since people in Romania can order from Amazon USA. So, I clicked the link and decided to give it a shot.
After a few days, I received access to my own storefront, where I can upload photos and videos of products sold on Amazon, products I’ve personally purchased. However, for the first two weeks, I didn’t do much with it since my focus was on YouTube and TikTok. But then a TikTok video about the Amazon Influencer Program popped up on my feed, and I thought, “Let’s see if people are really making money with this.”
Making Money with the Amazon Influencer Program: Is It Possible?
After doing some research on YouTube, I found countless people saying that, yes, you can make tens, hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. Realistically, though, those are Americans talking, so it might be easier for them. I’m Romanian, born and based in Romania – what are my chances of making the same income?
I believe it all comes down to dedication and a little bit of luck. Amazon will show my videos and photos on the product pages of the items I feature. The best part? This will be passive income, something that can help me in addition to what I’m already doing or plan to do.
I know the earnings will fluctuate depending on the season and customer preferences. If someone likes my recommendation and buys the product, I earn a commission! The key, though, is that the customer doesn’t return the item. If they do, well… you’re out of luck.
So, if you’re an Amazon customer, why not sign up? If you’ve already purchased products from Amazon, post them, and don’t miss out on the chance to make money!
One important thing to note: If you’re from Romania, like me, or another country, you need to speak English if you’re applying for the USA, UK, Canada, or Australia versions of the Amazon Influencer Program. I personally manage 2 storefronts: USA and UK, where I speak English in my videos .
If you’re in France, just Google “Amazon Influencer Program France,” and the first link should get you started.
Remember, you need to have an audience on your social media platform and post regularly. You can’t post products that are Romanian or from other countries, nor brands that Amazon doesn’t sell! They have a lot of rules.
What’s Next in My Amazon Influencer Journey?
Now that I’m back into it, I’ve posted three videos, and I had to wait five long days to be accepted! When I saw the confetti and the message “Congratulations!” on the screen, I was speechless. I laughed, I jumped for joy, I cried – and then I thought, “Now what?”
It was time to start taking photos and making videos. I have hundreds of products to show you, especially ones I’ve bought from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, It’s not easy – there’s a lot of work involved, and I have to manage 2 storefronts.
Oh, and by the way, you’ll need to enter your bank details to get paid and fill out tax forms. There’s a lot of stuff to take care of! I might even make a step-by-step guide for the Amazon Influencer Program available for sale on my website in the near future… who knows? If time allows, I’ll definitely do it.
Wrapping Up with Some Important Info
Whatever I do, I give 100%, and sometimes that can be exhausting. I hope to start seeing progress in everything I’m working on soon because I do it out of love and passion.
On my website, you can find a store where I sell my digital products, coaching services, and children’s books that are available for purchase directly from Amazon. At some point, you might also find affiliate links for specific products I promote.
Disclaimer: I do not sell physical products directly! All aspects related to shipping, customs duties, delivery fees, promotions, and coupons are entirely handled by Amazon!
If you purchase and return a product, please contact Amazon Customer Support. I can’t guarantee that you will love the product I recommend or that it will last – that’s all on the buyer! I only take responsibility for what is strictly related to my website, and I reserve the right to promote what I want, how I want, and when I want.
I will never post inappropriate or malicious links. You can trust what I do because I’m a transparent and honest person.
Best of luck to all who decide to join me in this influencer journey! I wish you great success and lots of money!
If you’d like me to promote your products on YouTube, TikTok, or, if possible, on Amazon, feel free to reach out! I reserve the right to decline offers that aren’t ethical or don’t align with my well-being and values.
My promotion service includes: cash payment + keeping the product. In return, I will provide an honest, high-quality review across all my social media platforms, with both videos and photos. However, I cannot guarantee that my audience will purchase the product I recommend/promote.
When I have updates on the Amazon Influencer Program, I will post either on YouTube or TikTok, so stay tuned to follow this personal journey!
Below I listed my amazon storefronts , if in the future will decide to do for Australia as well , will let you know...
amazon store front USA : https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-9d3440d8
amazon store front UK: https://www.amazon.de/shop/influencer-9d3440d8
To follow me on social media , you can access via below links:
personal facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/CarmensiAtat2016
brand facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/eternalsoulwriter/
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/eternalsoulwriter/
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